Հարավկովկասյան Իրավապաշտպանների ցանցը
Georgia: the Human Rights Centre organized a roundtable
On October 12, 2010 the Human Rights Centre organized a roundtable “Human Rights protection in Georgia: challenges, setbacks and potential for improvements.” Georgian members and partner organizations of the South Caucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders, Public Defender of Georgia, as well as delegations of international organizations to Georgia - EU, COE, UNHCR, GTZ and representatives of embassies of EU member states participated in the roundtable.
Human rights defenders provided a fact-based evaluation of human rights situation and broader democratic processes in Georgia, identified areas of concern, new trends and developments.
Participants expressed vigorous interest in the issues discussed and stated that such meetings are useful and important as they are given an opportunity to listen to civil society organizations and understand how the situation on the ground is perceived by NGOs and human rights defenders.
The project was organized within the framework of the EU funded project” Creation of the South Caucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders.”