The South Caucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders
The OSCE special reporter on freedom of media, Dunja Mijatovic condemned
the kidnapping and beating of the “Azadliq” newspaper columnist, Seimur
Khaziev in night of 26th March. In her statement dated by 28th, Ms.
Mijatovic called on Azeri authorities to take urgent measures to stop
violence against journalists.
2010 marked several novelties as well as the continuation and strengthening of some trends observed in previous years in Georgia. The report represents the summary of work carried out mostly by Human Rights Centre in 2010. The report also relies on the work of Human Rights House Tbilisi, also the Public Defender, International Organizations as well as other partner NGOs. It covers the main points of concern regarding the dynamics of democratic transition in the country and shows that the effective execution of power achieved by the current government is used not to eliminate alarming trends in the field of basic rights and freedoms but abused in many cases to further strengthen the position of the ruling elite.
See Futher
See Futher
Birthday congratulations to Novella Jafaroglu on a behalf of the South Caucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders
On March 3 prominent human rights defender Novella Jafaroglu marks her
70 years anniversary. The merits of this PERSON with a capital letters
are undeniable. She devoted rest of her life to the human rights
defense. Dedicating 30 years of her life to human rights fight, she
continues to be an avid activist in this area.
On February 28th 2011, the Helsinki Association for Human Rights presented its 2010 Annual Report on the human rights situation in Armenia at the Congress Hotel in Yerevan.
OSCE-supported publications to promote civil society development in
Armenia, titled Armenian Civil Society: from Transition to
Consolidation, were launched in Yerevan on 22 of February.
Human Rights Watch Publishes Annual Report 2011
Human Rights Watch has published its 21st report on human rights
situation, covering more than 90 countries and territories worldwide.
It reflects extensive investigative work undertaken in 2010 by Human
Rights Watch staff, usually in close partnership with domestic human
rights activists.
Situation in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia is also reviewed in the report.
Situation in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia is also reviewed in the report.
Azerbaijan: Fatullayev will stay in prison
Today, the Supreme Court (SC) of Azerbaijan, chaired by Imran
Gadzhigaibov, has dismissed the cassation appeal of journalist
Fatullaev. The complaint was filed against the decision of the Baku
Court of Appeal about Fatullaev's freedom restriction measure in the
form of arrest.
Qadın zorakılığna qarşı kampaniyaya tövhə
Cənubi Qafqaz Hüquq Müdafiəçiləri Şəbəkəsinin bəzi üzvlərinin təmsilçiləri, Dilarə Əfəndiyeva (D.Əliyeva adına Qadın Hüquqlarını Müdafiə Cəmiyyəti) və Mətanət Əzizova (Sülh və Demokratiya İnstitutu) Qadın Zorakılığına qarşı Mübarizə üzrə Beynəlxalq kampaniya çərçivəsində 26.11.2010 tarixində mətbuat konfransı və Qadın Krizis Mərkəzində QHT-lərlə dəyirmi masa keçirib. Şəbəkənin dəstəyi ilə keçirilən, vətəndaş cəmiyyəti və medianın təmsil olunduğu bu tədbirlərdə qadın hüquqlarının qorunması, o cümlədən qadın zorakılığına qarşı mübarizə ilə bağlı Azərbaycan qanunvericiliyi və praktika barədə müzakirələr aparılıb və durumun yaxşılaşdırılması üçün Tövsiyələr səsləndirilib.
Following the tragic death of Zaruhi Petrosyan, October 1, 2010 who was
savagely beaten by her husband, a coalition of a group of
non-governmental organizations was formed to follow-up on the issue and
raise awareness on violence against women inArmenia.
Azerbaijan: Young blogger, Adnan Hajizade Released
On 18th of November, in the morning, in a surprise decision, the Baku Appeal Court issued a ruling on the release of blogger Adnan Hajizade, who has been sentenced to 2 years of imprisonment since June 2007 on contraversial hooliganism charges.
Armenia: Authorities shall not keep people behind bars – states the CoE Secretary General
The Council of Europe (CoE) is negative to the fact that Armenia keeps
people in prison for political reasons. This was stated by Torbjorn
Jagland, Secretary General of the Council of Europe, at a press
conference on October 21 in Yerevan on the outcomes of the CE's Forum
"In the Name of Democracy".
A Month of children's rights is going on in Azerbaijan on the
initiative of Elmira Suleimanova, the Children's Ombudsman. The Month
started on October, 20 and will last till November, 20, in connection
with the 21-rst anniversary of accepting the Convention of Children's
Rights, Press Service of the Azerbaijani Ombudsman reported.
Armenia: Authorities shall not keep people behind bars – states the CoE Secretary General
The Council of Europe (CoE) is negative to the fact that Armenia keeps people in prison for political reasons. This was stated by Torbjorn Jagland, Secretary General of the Council of Europe, at a press conference on October 21 in Yerevan on the outcomes of the CE's Forum "In the Name of Democracy".
Armenia: Ombudsman presents his 2009 report
The report on the work of the office of Ombudsman in Armenia in 2009
was heard by the MPs at the autumn session of the Parliament of Armenia.