The South Caucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders
Embassy of Finland in Vilnius has hosted the presentation of the film by Norwegian filmmaker Erling Borgen about jailed Azerbaijani journalist Eynulla Fatullayev.
Georgia: Council of Europe Anti-torture Committee Criticizes State of Human Rights in Georgia
The report of the Council of Europe’s Committee for the Prevention of Torture on its 4th periodic visit to Georgia, carried out on February 5-15, 2010 has been made public by Georgian ombudsman Giorgi Tughushi. According to Tughushi, the report puts emphasis on problems in the penitentiary system; specifically, the problem of overcrowding and inhuman treatment of prisoners. The abolishment of long-term appointments in prisons has been criticized. The committee considers the existing conditions in Khsani #7 department an inhuman treatment.
The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders launches its Annual Report 2010
Paris-Geneva, 13 September 2010. The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, a joint programme of the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) and the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), which supports, monitors and protects human rights defenders throughout the year, is publishing today its 2010 Annual Report. The report focuses on the year-round fight for human rights throughout the world. The press release, the annual report and the media kit are available at:
Armenia: State Secretary Hillary Clinton Responds to the Letter of Human Rights Defenders
The Letter of the U.S. Secretary of
State, Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton to Armenian Member Organizations of
the South Caucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders
On August 24, 2010 The US State Secretary Mrs. Hillary Clinton answered the Armenian member-organizations of Southcaucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders in response to their letter, which was given to the State secretary during her visit to Armenia on July 5, 2010.
On August 24, 2010 The US State Secretary Mrs. Hillary Clinton answered the Armenian member-organizations of Southcaucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders in response to their letter, which was given to the State secretary during her visit to Armenia on July 5, 2010.
Georgia: The Article on Coveres the Case of the Georgian Investigative Journalist
Vakhtang Komakhidze was an investigative journalist in Georgia with a nose for a story and a record of annoying the authorities. His revelations of official corruption ended in the death threats which forced him to seek asylum in Switzerland. Robin Oisín Llewellyn talked to him about the limits of media freedom in Georgia.
Eynulla Fatullayev, an imprisoned
Editor-in-Chief of “Realniy Azerbaijan” and “Gundelik Azerbaijan”
newspapers, wrote an open letter to the President of the Azerbaijan
Republic Ilham Aliyev. The letter was published in two parts in Azadlig
newpaper on August 6 and 7.
It became known on Wednesday morning
that the member of the Monitoring Group of the Helsinki Association
Arshaluys Hakobyan has passed away in Toronto (Canada) at the age of
38. Hakobyan was in Canada, asking for political asylum. He was forced
to apply as a result of continuous harassment by the Armenian
On July 26 the Swiss government granted journalist Vakhtang Komakhidze a
political asylum. Reporting to Komakhidze said thus far the
aforementioned information has been confirmed by the Swiss government
verbally only. The legal status of the refugee will be publicized in a
few days.
The Head of the European Union Delegation in Georgia
Mr. Per Eklund
The Head of the European Union Delegation in Georgia
Mr. Per Eklund
The allied social movement “Ara” (No) was founded by three different organizations in March 2010. The movement is active in the field of human rights generally, political and illegal prisoners’ rights, violations in Government institutions, illegal actions of government officials, illegal business deals, violations conducted by law enforcers, interests of socially unprotected citizens etc.
The Amnesty International (AI) has launched a campaign in support of
young bloggers Adnan Gadjizade and Emin Milli, convicted in Azerbaijan
on forged charges, as human rights activists believe.
Open Letter of Human Rights Defenders from the South Caucasus to US State Secretary Hillary Clinton
Coordinator of the South Caucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders in Armenia, Mikael Danelian handed the open letter of Georgian and Azerbaijan human rights defenders to the US State Secretary Hillary Clinton at the US Embassy together with the letter of the Armenian human rights defenders. On July 5, representative of the Armenian Helsinki Association Mika Danelian was invited to the meeting with Hillary Clinton in Yerevan together with two more members of the South Caucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders –Artur Sakunts and Levon Barsagian.
We publish the full text of letters human rights defenders from all three countrie: Armenia Azerbaijan Georgia
We publish the full text of letters human rights defenders from all three countrie: Armenia Azerbaijan Georgia
Georgia: Regional Meeting of the South Caucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders were held in Tbilisi
On 3-4 of July a regional conference dedicated to freedom of expression,
assembly and association and a regional meeting of the South Caucasus
Network of Human Rights Defenders was held. See pictures
According to the Human Rights House Foundation the UN human rights apparatus is looking into Armenia’s human rights situation from several angles: after its Universal Periodic Review in May, the UN Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights Defenders is currently visiting Armenia. The UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention is planning a similar visit, and the UN Committee Against Torture will soon review the country.
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In Azerbaijan, the Institute for Reporters' Freedom and Safety (IRFS) has started a charitable campaign named "Marathon in support of 'prisoners of conscience'". The action is dated to the Day of National Press marked annually on July 22.